21 June 2007

From Lumbering to Running

Tuesday and Wednesday were focused on learning to run more than a 5k comfortably at a good pace. My first jaunt out on Tuesday night saw me hold an 8 minute pace for 5 miles. The terrain was relatively flat with one dip in to a little valley. Being that I like in a very hilly area, running on flat ground is very easy. My heart rate average 141 BPM, residing comfortably in Zone 3.

Wednesday took me back to the same course, but I kicked up the intensity to my race pace from my first Sprint Triathlon of 7 minute 20 second miles. I was pleased to note that my active recovery the night before allowed me to hold a heart rate of 140 BPM even though my pace was 40 seconds faster per mile.

During my first Tri, I felt horrible on the run, hence the reason I am focusing on improving my run fitness. Not only am I trying to carve out a bit more speed per mile; but, I want to feel a cruising sensation instead of pounding pavement like an elephant. This is still a work in progress.

1 comment:

Tyson said...

Good work! Sounds like you are really setting strategic goals and attacking them with vigor.